开始:vcalendar版本:2.0 prodid: - //帕萨可持续农必威体育app手机下载版业 - ECPv5.4.0.2 // nonsgml v1.0 // en calscale:gregorian方法:发布X-wr-calname:Pasa可持续农业X-Original-URL:https://pasafing.org x-wr-caldesc:帕萨可持续农业活动开始:vt必威体育app手机下载版imezone tzid:America / new_york开始:Daylight Tzoffsetto:-0400 Tzoffsetto:-0400 Tzname:EDT DTStart:20200308T070000结束:夏令人开始:标准TzOffsetFrom:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20201101T060000结束20200219T201708z UID:5655-158337600@pasafming.org摘要:统一的良好农业实践(差距)模拟审计说明:食品安全对许多农民\,批发商和零售机构越来越担心。\ n统一差距(良好的农业实践)模拟审计旨在显示SPECIALTY作物种植者如何评估其运营中的食品安全风险,并解释在第三方统一差距审计期间预期的内容。\培训这个农场模拟审计\,来自宾夕法尼亚州农业部的Brenda Sheaffer将指导您通过通过统一差距审计所需的评估。涵盖的主题将包括建立记录保存系统;生产收获和加工的标准操作程序;设计加工和包装设施,以满足食品安全标准。 We will also tour Vanco Family Farm’s post-harvest and storage facilities as we conduct a mock audit for the farm. \n GAP certification is currently required under the Food Safety Modernization Act for agricultural operations at a specific scale. Increasingly\, however\, access to certain markets—particularly wholesale markets—can be impeded without GAP certification\, regardless of the size of the farm operation. This mock audit is a highly valuable opportunity for farmers who are interested in GAP certification to observe a simulation of the audit process. It’s also valuable for agriculture service professionals\, as well as industry representatives\, to gain insight into certification requirements. \nSpeaker information\nBrenda Sheaffer\, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture\, Fruit/Vegetable – Ag Commodity Program Supervisor: Brenda has worked with numerous farms on their Harmonized GAP inspections and certifications\, and related food safety regimens. \nQuestions?\nTake a look at our frequently asked questions about our workshops and events. Otherwise\, please contact this event’s coordinator\, Dan Dalton\, by email at dan@www.holmansales.com or by phone at 814.349.9856. \nAdditional Dates\nWe’re offering four Harmonized GAP mock audits this spring: \nMarch 3 | Who Cooks for You Farm [Armstrong County] \nMarch 4 | Vanco Family Farm [Erie County] \nMarch 17 | Braddock Farms [Allegheny County] \nMarch 25 | Old Tin Roof Farm [Westmoreland County] \nRegister\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n Sorry\, this form is not yet available. URL://www.holmansales.com/event/harmonized-good-agricultural-practices-gap-mock-audit-2/ LOCATION:Vanco Family Farm\, 12210 Silverthorn Road\, Edinboro\, PA\, 16412\, United States CATEGORIES:Pasa Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg://www.holmansales.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Harmonized-GAP-Mock-Audit_credit-Vanco-Family-Farm-v.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR